North East Florida Association of Rocketry Bylaws

Article 1: Name

The name of this organization will be North East Florida Association of Rocketry (N.E. FAR).

Article 2: Purpose

It shall be the purpose of this Association to:

a. aid and abet the aim and purposes of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) and the Tripoli Rocketry Association (Tripoli) in Northeast Florida,

b. to operate and maintain a rocket range in accordance with NAR and Tripoli standards, applicable regulations of the FAA and BATF, the NAR and Tripoli safety code(s), and all other applicable State and Federal regulations.

c. to hold meetings, both physical & virtual, for the purpose of aiding and encouraging all those interested in rocketry, and

d. to engage in other scientific, educational, recreational, or related activities as the NAR, Triploi, the Association, or the Association Board of Directors may deem necessary or desirable in connection with the foregoing.

Article 3: Membership

All members of this Association shall be NAR or Tripoli members in good standing who reside in the Northeast Florida area. At least 5 of the members must be Insured NAR members. Benefits available to the Association member will vary with whether they are a member of NAR or Tripoli.

Article 4: Dues

Dues shall be $20 per year for Adults, $30 per year for a Family, and $10 per year for Junior members. Dues are payable in advance. These Association dues are separate and distinct from national dues paid NAR or Tripoli. All
monies shall be kept in a General Fund by the Treasurer and shall be paid out by him only on the orders of the Association Board of Directors. Special assessments may be levied by a majority vote of the: members present and voting at any meeting of the Association provided notice of such intent is given in writing to each member at least five days
preceding such a meeting, OR members polled by e-mail, telephone, and or US mail over a 7 day period.

Article 5: Meetings

Association physical meetings shall be held at least once a year at time(s) and place(s) designated by the Association Board of Directors.

Association virtual meetings will be held at least 6 times a year by a combination of e-mail and US mail. Operation of the rocket range shall not be considered a meeting.

A quorum shall constitute at least 50% of the members participating whether at a physical or virtual meeting. Physical meetings shall be conducted and governed by "Robert's Rules of Order, revised."

Virtual meetings will be compiled and posted to the website over a period of one week. Those members needing US mail copies of the virtual meeting will be provided with hard copies within one week of conclusion of the e-mail discussions.

Virtual Meetings may be called by a consensus of ½ of the Board of Directors or the President of the Association. No virtual meeting shall last over 2 weeks.

Article 6: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of this Association shall include the officers.

Article 7: Officers

The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The officers of this Association may also consist of a NAR Senior Advisor, two NAR Junior representatives, and a Tripoli Prefect from time to time as the need is present as determined by a poling of at least 50% the Association membership.
All officers must be 18 years of age or older with the exception of the NAR Junior representatives-who must be under 18 years of age. All officers must be members of N.E. FAR, and NAR or Tripoli. All officers must fly a rocket
at at least 1/2 of the scheduled N.E. FAR launches. At least ½ of the officers must be members of NAR. The President must be a member of both NAR and Tripoli in good standing. If needed, during times of Association membership less than 50 people, an individual may hold up to 3 officer positions.

Article 8: Elections

Elections of the Officers/Board of Directors shall take place via e-mail and US mail during the calendar month of March. All Officers shall serve a term of one year. Vacancies in the office shall be filled by nomination and
election of an Association member to fill the unexpired term of office at the next virtual Association meeting at which the vacancy is announced. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected.

Article 9: Committees

There shall be three Standing Committees of the Association, plus such additional committees as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem necessary or desirable. The Standing Committees are as follows:

a. Operations Committee shall be in charge of the Association's rocket range, shall monitor the experimental technical activities of the Association Members, and shall act as Safety Inspectors. The Chairman of the Committee
shall be a Level 2 or higher certified NAR or Tripoli member in good standing, and shall act as Range Safety Officer under NAR & Tripoli standards, regulations, and Safety Code(s).

b. Contests and Records Committee shall be in charge of all arrangements for contests, and shall monitor all national record attempts by Association members.

c. Activities Committee shall be in charge of making all arrangements for all Association meetings, for conducting membership campaigns, and for carrying on all public relations.

The Association President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Article 10: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of Association members.

The pending amendment must be sent to the membership of the Association at least seven days in advance of such a vote, physical or virtual. No amendment of these bylaws shall conflict with the rules, regulations, and charter of NAR or Tripoli, and may be subject to NAR or Tripoli approval.

Article 11: Restrictions

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted at NEFAR launches.

Adopted (date): ____January 8, 2010____________________

Member Signature: ______________________________________ (date) __________________

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